Steiner in the hunting industry represents the first reference among thermal visor manufacturers. Its success is not only derived from the best quality of its optics, but from an extensive and careful study of this technology.
In a thermal binocular, its hardware components (principally the sensor, software/chip and display) are important, but even more important is the software that orchestrates these components.
That is why Steiner has given full development to its own Quantum Vision(TM) technology that can best optimize the work done by the hardware components. All top experts have recognized Quantum Vision as a superior technology that can actually make a difference in discerning the most minute details.
If before now the images of a thermal had to be captured by an expert's eye in order to be well intepreted, today with Quantum Vision any person can benefit from clear details where very little remains to be interpreted. At the same time, the expert is not sidelined, because he will benefit from rich features that can make his observation even more precise.
Of course, all this technology is expressed on a Steiner Commander viewer, of which we are all familiar with the attention that is paid to its robustness and longevity.
Particularly appreciated is the STEINER Connect app, available for iOS and Android, which is really feature-rich. So what you've captured with the Commander Thermal, you can easily share, view on your TV or stream wherever you want.
The Commander Thermal is already available and purchasable at top marine retailers and is poised to be one of the most substantial gifts for next Christmas.