Innovative plugins designed by Marine Pan Service

plugin innovativi ideati da marine pan service news 1

Marine Pan Service with the new mobile site introduces some new plugins of its own creation: Tilt & Slide, Smooth Rotation and Tap Top.

Tilt & Slide, Smooth Rotation and Tap Top

Tilt & Slide
Tilt & Slide
Attivazione Tilt & Slide
Tilt & Slide Activation
Smooth Rotation
Smooth Rotation
Tap Top
Tap Top

Tilt & Slide

This feature uses the magnetometer inside the smartphone to provide an automatic slide carousel. By tilting our smartphone slightly, the slides slide automatically, without the need to act manually with your finger. The more your smartphone is tilted, the more slides slide quickly. The slides move from the highest to the lowest side, simulating gravity.

To activate it, click on the "tools" icon of the toolbar, from there select the relevant item.
The Tilt & Slide to be operated, needs a first swipe from the user and only from that moment is active. It operates in both portrait and landscape modes and its accuracy depends on the quality of the magnetometer inside the smartphone and the distance from magnetic sources of disturbance.

Smooth Rotation

If we are on a common mobile site and we are scrolling halfway through the page, when we rotate the screen passing for example from portrait to landascape, it is likely that we will not find the same information that we were viewing in portrait, but we will have to search higher up.

The Smooth Rotation meets this possible inconvenience, bringing the rotation back to the same height and also provides a transition effect to specifically hide the unwelcome graphical effects of realignment, which can occur on a browser at the time of rotation.

Tap Top

Allows you to click (Tap) on any titles to bring the paragraph to the "Top" of the screen. It works on all titles that on our site are recognizable with its own horizontal bar and where that title is not associated with other features (for example it is not actionable where the title is involved in scrolling menus).
At the first "Tap" the title is positioned at the "Top" of the page, with a second "Tap" we also remove the toolbar. This feature is obviously very useful to try to view the content of the entire paragraph related to that title and better focus on reading it.

Marine Pan Service has yet to plan the commercial channel for the dissemination of these technologies. We are therefore certainly interested in proposals.

Other Solutions

Sliding Header
Sliding Header
NavMenu Semantico
NavMenu Semantic

Sliding Header

On mobile sites in the header of the page there is normally a sliding image. The sliding header differs in that it also contains the page header, i.e. the header, so that the user can have a preliminary page and not just an image.

NavMenu Semantic (technical treaty)

The NavMenu is normally placed on mobile sites sliding to the left. The user is accustomed to this type of mechanism so it would seem a foregone conclusion.
But for users browsing with Java script disabled there is a problem. Obviously we have to discard all solutions in Js because we have to give these users a service and respect them for their choice. We can certainly adopt a solution in pure CSS, but, at least in our case, the solution had a negative impact with the HTML semantics of the page and the hash link of the icon had a target not well contextualized.
Our idea of the Semantic NavMenu was, at least for us, the only solution acceptable from all points of view.

The solution is that the menu resides contextualized in the footer (at the bottom of the page) linked by the hask link of the Burger icon. This allows two access points to the NavMenu (one with the NavMenu icon, the other with the scroll), which is preferable especially for novice users or those who do not know the meaning of the Burger icon. Without then considering that, if we are in the final part of the page, it comes naturally, move further down to find the NavMenu.
We point out that the experienced user is initially uncomfortable with this solution, because he is accustomed to the usual mechanisms, but on the testers under examination we observed that exceeded the initial loss, over time then tend to prefer this type of solution.