Specific Services - MPS-Sync

MPS-Sync is a service dedicated to online retailers who want to synchronize their site with our data.

Data Synchronization Service for On-Line Resellers

MPS-Sync n.1

It allows the retailer to download product data, place them on their own site and keep them synchronized, through an XML file to be downloaded from our site, always updated to the second and with data customized for the specific retailer.

The main purposes of this service are:

  • Show all Marine Pan Service products on the dealer's website and keep them up to date with the changes that are made daily.
  • The retailer can show the customer the availability of our warehouse, eventually the product can be shipped the same day directly to the buyer through drop-shipping service.
  • To be able to manage the prices of our products on your interface, working directly on your purchase prices also taking into account any offers or extras that are made immediately available in the synchronized data.
  • The dealer is able to provide the end customer with a superior quality service, for this reason Marine Pan Service will try to facilitate sales at these points. More specifically, we have very ambitious technological projects, but at the moment they are still in the design phase.

How to join

To access this service, it is necessary that the reseller provides for specific request to our company, if accepted, Marine Pan Service will communicate the specific url for that reseller where to download XML content.

You will then have to provide your software house with these instructions, which should be sufficient to complete the work.

The dealer is required to maintain the synchronization service efficient and to specify the canonical attribute, otherwise the service will be interrupted. The canonical attribute is a tag that will have to add your software-house in the HTML page that has no reflection for the user who will visit the page, but specifies to search engines that the original content resides on our site, this with regard to rights and responsibilities.

Instructions for the software house

In short, we make a simple https call where a single XML page will return.
Once all the data has been entered, only 4 nodes will have to be monitored daily:
ID_Export, Is_Discontinued, Last_Mod and LastMod_Images
So we know (respectively) if there is a new product to be inserted, if one is to be abandoned because it is discontinued, if there are texts to be updated or if there are images to be updated.

Technically there is no simpler solution, if not through a soap WEB Service, but this would require a type of preparation that not all software houses have.

Detailed instructions are available at the following link:

Specifications and instructions for the software house