CruzPro SOG1: Instead of the echo-sounder speed propeller

CruzPro SOG1 Speed signal converter; from NMEA 0183 format to analogue signal for normal speed indicators; eco/log.
The CruzPro SOG1 comes to the user's aid when, as all too often happens, the propeller of the speed of normal transducers fails, or it cannot be read because the dog's teeth and incrustations no longer allow it to turn correctly.
In fact, taking the SOG (Speed Over Ground) data in NMEA 0183 format from the on-board GPS, the SOG1 transforms it into an analog format to be interpreted by common fishfinders or other instruments that use this format.
CruzPro SOG1 NMEA Analog Speed Converter
176,00€Weight: 0.1 kg; Dimensions: 22 x 10 x 4 cm
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