We report art.1044 of the Law of 27/12/2017:
In order to foster technological innovation, with effect from 1 June 2019, equipment capable of receiving radio broadcasts sold by manufacturers to distributors of retail electronic equipment on national territory shall incorporate at least one interface enabling the user to receive digital radio services. For the same purposes, with effect from 1 January 2020, radio equipment for the reception of radio broadcasts sold to consumers within the national territory shall incorporate at least one interface enabling the user to receive digital radio services.
According to some, this article is not clear and there have been many who have tried to give their own interpretation. Many articles have expressed their opinion on the meaning of "digital radio", but we want to try to interpret how the article of the Law is translated into commercial terms and therefore the "core" is the interface with which we must equip AM / FM radios.
In our opinion, in practical and commercial terms, this interface essentially translates into the Bluetooth one, in this article we explain why.