UIN - Unique Identifier Number

UIN or 15 hex ID, is a 15 character code in hexadecimal format that expresses the data entered into a rescue transmitter.

When the rescue transmitter is activated, it digitally transmits this data, which is then decoded and read by the COSPAS-SARSAT rescue coordination centre.

The NVU shall contain or may contain the following information:

  • The format of the message
  • The protocol used (may differ from the model or in which application it is used)
  • The country code and the remaining 6 digits of the MMSI code (in some countries Call Sign is used)
  • The number of EPIRBs on board
  • If analogue transmission at 121.5 MHz is present
  • The activation mode (automatic or manual)
  • If there is an internal tracking system (GPS).