IMO, International Maritime Organization, is the agency responsible for protecting the safety of transport ships and the environment in which they operate.

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The IMO is an autonomous agency of the United Nations, which deals with the development of standards and protocols for the safety of navigation of ships, in particular those for the transport of goods that play an important role in the world economy, covering in fact a percentage of 90% compared to other types of transport.

The IMO develops these protocols with the aim of making the transport of goods safer, better organised and avoiding pollution of the environment.

The IMO is based in London and has a total of 166 member countries, including Italy.

The development of standards takes place mainly on 4 different fields of action:

  • SOLAS Convention, the main objective of which is to protect human life at sea.
  • MARPOL Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution.
  • STCW Convention for the training and certification of seafarers.
  • Convention for the Development of Standards for the Coordination of Maritime Rescue (SAR).