NASA: Target Navtex Pro-Plus receiver

Target Navtex Pro-Plus NASA

NASA Target Navtex Pro-Plus weather information receiver, Alerts to Skippers, stores up to 800 lines of text.


NAVTEX is the most widespread system for receiving weather information in the North Seas, a service that has only recently been activated in Italy, both for the transmission of Notices to Skippers and for the forwarding of weather information.

It is able to receive the information of the stations operating at both 490 and 518 KHz. and all the information is displayed on the LCD, therefore without the need to connect a printer. The device is able to hold the memory, even when it is off, up to 800 lines of text.

Absorbs only 40 mA. (200 mA. with backlighting activated). Dimensions: 98h x 220 x 48 mm.
The relevant antenna is included in the package.


  • 114-2100

    NASA Target Navtex Pro Plus

Prices include VAT


  • Central unit
  • Antenna
  • Bracket with knobs
