AP03 Seiwa: Autopilot System

AP03 Seiwa

Seiwa Complete Autopilot System model AP03, LCD display, compatible with linear actuators or optional 12Vdc reversible pumps.


Carefully designed to make the route particularly accurate in any weather condition and is suitable for sailing or motor boats from 6 to 40 m.
The knob in the middle position allows you to set the course quickly and easily.

Graphic indication of the rudder angle on the LCD display. Settings for four different wave conditions.
2 NMEA inputs (for GPS, wind instruments, and compasses) and 1 NMEA output.
Automatic and manual compass calibration. Maximum compass error: 2nd RMS. Pitch / roll axis: +35°. Absorption 15A (30 A. peak). Power supply 12 Vdc.


  • 080-3230

    Seiwa AP03 Complete Autopilot System

    Weight: 3 kg; Dimensions: 38 x 23 x 18 cm
Prices include VAT

