Greater protection for our visitors

maggiore protezione per i nostri visitatori news 1

The Marine Pan Service site is now safer with the help of the HTTPS protocol. We suggest that you update your links to our site.

More protection for our visitors

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Maggiore protezione per i nostri visitatori n.2

Offering a more secure connection to our site, is really the least we could do for our customers and the many visitors.

Our site now switches to the HTTPS protocol using an EV (Extended Validation) SHA-256 SSL Certificate encryption key issued by Comodo. The abbreviation EV corresponds to a more advanced certificate, where there is a set of checks on the reality of the company by the body that issues the certificate. For the user the difference is best found on some browsers (eg Firefox) that show for EV certificates the company name before the url.

We are very happy that today our visitors will benefit not only from a state-of-the-art site of technology, but also from an extremely secure connection.

Update your links!

Maggiore protezione per i nostri visitatori n.3

If you have links to our site in your browser's favourites, we recommend that you update them. In fact, although our site redirects all HTTP calls to HTTPS, updating the link will give you more immediate access.

If on the other hand you have inserted links to ours on your site, we suggest you correct them immediately, in fact an outdated link could be treated by search engines as an indication that your site is not maintained properly.