Seiwa: SAM Anchor Security System

SAM Seiwa

Integrated electronic device Seiwa SAM, Monitors the ship's point, depth, intensity, wind, heading, battery voltage, etc..


S.A.M. is an integrated electronic device for pleasure boats that signals the emergence of conditions of potential risk for the boat, both anchored in unprotected waters and at berth in port.

Monitors the ship's point, depth, wind intensity, heading, battery voltage, bilge water level or intrusion sensor for audible alarms or SMS alarms when any of these parameters exceed the set limits.
Values are taken from other on-board instruments with NMEA output. It is necessary to buy a SIM (the one common in mobile phones) to allow the sending of SMS.


  • 114-0510

    Seiwa S.A.M. - Safe Anchorage Monitor

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